One of my friends, Alessia, is working as an escort girl. She is in her thirties, newly divorced, with long, sand-coloured hair and a slender body. She maintains excellent physical condition due to frequent trips to tropical areas and countless yoga and meditation exercises. Her newfound freedom finally allows her to explore her sexual potential, which she is doing for the first time in her life. She decided to find her G-spot on her own, and after a few attempts, she called her new boyfriend and said, “I found him!”
The wave of tender love
She showed him the discovery and asked him to remember exactly where it was. As he began to caress her G-spot, Alessia felt overwhelmed by a wave of tender love, both physically and emotionally; but both seemed packed into one sensation. Deciding that it was enough for the moment, she did not continue the exercises. However, she kept talking to me about it for months, making me wonder what other sensations she might have had.
“Working with an awesome Escort Service allows me to practice a lot with the G-spot!”
The burning desire
A few months later, she confessed to me that she was overwhelmed by feelings of nostalgia and a burning desire to have an intimate relationship with a man she loved, but that she was afraid she would not receive exactly what she needed. She was in severe pain and could not help but burst into tears.
Alessia told me that he did not understand the connection between the G-spot exploration exercises and these feelings. She only now understood why he instinctively felt that the G-spot experiments should not continue for a while. In previous articles, I learned, from the direct testimony of some women, that their desire to engage emotionally and more intimately in sexual intercourse is inevitably linked to G-spot release, G-spot orgasms, and ejaculation. For some women, the first attempts to explore the G-spot, initially marked by enthusiasm, are abruptly interrupted, or the genuine spirit of the beginning turns into indifference.
The G-spot massage
This article aims to provide some explanations as to why this change in attitude occurs. One of the most effective ways to address sexual blockages and regain healthy interest in sex, which can continue the discovery process, is the G-spot massage, described in a future article. Because this method uses the basic techniques of awareness of the existence of the G-spot, anyone can use this information, from beginners to advanced. Men will find here some essential explanations about the causes that cause the decrease of the sexual interest of the partner, but also about the critical role that the man can play in trying to support his partner to overcome this barrier.
Female ejaculation
Although it is excellent, female ejaculation is not limited to simply expelling ejaculation as far away as possible. The role of the G-spot is not limited to achieving stunning orgasms, although they are the delicious result of stimulating the same G-spot. On the contrary, as sexologists and others have told us, the awakening of life and the stimulation of the G-spot refers to the discovery of the body’s erotic potential. This has virtually unlimited potential and a considerable capacity to express feelings, love, and intimacy.
The discovery of intimate secrets related to the G-spot is, instead, awareness, not the implementation of specific techniques, and refers mainly to the process, and not to objectives, not an end in itself, to relaxation and becoming one’s person, and not when adding another task to the priority list. If we approach the G-spot from this perspective, we only give the body and femininity what it deserves. Following this path, we will discover that the G-spot opens the way to intimacy, becoming an instrument of expressing love.
Sexual trauma and G-spot
The G-spot opens the way to the most profound aspects of sexual expression and intimacy in which women enter, some of which are blocked due to painful memories or unpleasant past events. These escort girls want to make love to their partners, to have an open and trusting relationship. Still, they feel vulnerable, leading to the removal or rejection of partners they want to approach to establish a connection. During her lifetime, one in four women goes through an experience of violent sexual assault.
Even those who do not go through traumatic experiences of this kind are negatively influenced by the culture in which they live. Through messages formulated with insistent aggression, which are implanted in the respective society, such as: “I want to have sex now,” “I leave, “You don’t have a G-spot,” “escort girls don’t ejaculate,” “let’s go to the surgeon and get rid of this problem and you’ll feel better.” Therefore, it is not surprising that the direct effect on women will be a severe blockage in self-esteem and sexual integrity.
The memory of the body
All these negative messages will accumulate physically, in the body, in the form of memories. To understand how this “memory of the body” works, women can use a beneficial technique to be applied on a physical level, which can protect and cure them of all kinds of attacks on their sexuality from the most insignificant ones to the worst.
The human circuits
In the 1940s, Wilhelm Reich, Freud’s sexologist, psychologist, and disciple, launched a theory that there are circuits in the human body through which energy “flows” freely. This energy can be blocked due to pain and trauma of an affective nature. We retain pain, emotional distress, and physical trauma to the muscles and organs of the body. Such incidents are stored in the form of memories, physically, in the muscles and organs, causing them to tense and block and inhibit the free flow of energy. Reich referred to the creation of these muscle blockages as “the creation of the body’s protective shield.”
The G-spot and pubococcygeal muscles
What is the logical place for emotional scars from sexual abuse or trauma? Precisely, the G-spot and pubococcygeal muscles. For example, rape is a traumatic event that can block a woman’s ability to be available for sex and have confidence in sex, leading to a protective shield on the genitals.
The creation of the guard explains why certain areas of the G-spot are painful to the touch. Suppose the penetration of the vagina is accepted without being desired. In that case, it can cause, in turn, severe disorders – because it involves “lying to yourself” – failing to produce harmonisation between mind and body. This attitude can also cause lesions, which will install, like scars, at the level of the G-spot, manifested by the existence of passive areas to caress.
Emotional trauma
Treating traumatic experiences is a relatively new field of psychotherapy and a booming process. Countless publications currently treat the effects of mental and behavioural suffering and < intense>emotional trauma, but few include therapeutic methods. Healing occurs only if the impact of traumatic experiences on the body is treated. Psychotherapeutic techniques are accompanied by appropriate massage.
Especially in the case of sexual trauma, G-spot massage can be a beneficial way to support the healing process. Unlocking the G-spot and healing the emotional and sexual scars is only possible if we understand the ability of the G-spot to reopen to pleasure and energy exchange.
Is becomes more excitable
Over time, the G-spot becomes more excitable by growing awareness of its existence and capabilities. Understanding at this level causes other behavioural changes. This way, you will ask your partner to wait for you until you feel excited. You will ask them not to rush so that you can taste together with the sensuality and emotions of the moment.
You will feel the changes that occur at the vaginal level, and it becomes more fulfilled, full of sap, and more aroused. You will feel a stronger desire for your partner. I urge everyone, however, to emphasise stimulating the G-spot because only then will its full potential for pleasure be brought to light. One of the most effective methods of achieving maximum excitability is G-spot massage.
Affective blockages in G-spot excitability
I want to tell you about an incident related to the incursions made by Deborah Sundahl, who made films and wrote about “Female Ejaculation” In one of her publications, she said:
Some time ago, Jerry, a therapist and masseur, approached me. He watched my film about female ejaculation and wanted to tell me about his experience with sexual abuse and G-spot massage. As he confessed to me, he is part of a small group of specialists working in this field, and he invited me to attend a free demonstration.
I did not have enough confidence
I was intrigued by his words, even though I had never been patient with him because I did not have enough confidence to allow a foreigner to study at such an intimate level on my own. Even after repeating to myself that the experience could positively contribute to my research into female ejaculation, I could not overcome my restraint, so I did not accept his offer. A few years later, I met another sexual trauma therapist, Victor Gold, and although I was convinced that I could fully trust him, I still didn’t feel ready to discover the painful secrets of my own G-spot.
Self-massage sessions
So I let the opportunity that Victor offered me pass me by. A year ago, I started self-massage sessions at the G-spot, using the crystal wand (the thin sex accessory made of Plexiglas) to test the sensory messages that the area transmits. I then noticed the existence of a painful part in the G-spot area. I had a slight feeling of embarrassment when I touched it. I put pressure on that point for two minutes, then massaged the whole area, trying not to get emotionally involved. I repeated the procedure several times for a few months.
Oh god! It’s expanding!
During this time, I became aware that the G-spot was expanding more and more and becoming more excitable. However, I was not firmly convinced of this. What I did notice, however, was that the inflamed part of the G-spot had ceased to be painful. A few months ago, I decided to take a different approach to studying independently.
I chose an obsidian dildo. I focused on an experimental approach to healing in general rather than focusing on a specific, more sensitive area of the G-spot. As this formal ceremony unfolded, I was not sure what I would do or what I should have done. I completely inserted the dildo into my vagina.
Stretching the body
I practised breathing exercises and stretching my body, waiting to feel as much pleasure as possible. At the time, I had been single for two years, and I hadn’t made any love in the last year. On that day, I felt that I was studying the area and that I was practising an actual ritual that was meant to be a sincere expression of the need for change by changing some sexual clichés that no longer seemed appropriate or valuable to me.
Sexual pleasure and love
Then the image of a man who truly loved me came into my mind, staring me in the eye with a look full of love, conveying his feelings to me in an attempt to please my body. I have always tried to distinguish between sex and love, but now I desire to feel sexual pleasure and love at the same time, both in my body and in my soul. I wanted to know what it’s like to feel sexual pleasure with my soul, to find out what it’s like to feel the warm feelings of love mixing with the beautiful sensations of sexual pleasure.
The orgasm
So, I clung to my mental image. It was pretty complicated to focus on the erotic side because, at the same time, I had to juggle the thoughts that did not give me peace, related to that person, my feelings, the love he offered me, the love I felt, and sexual pleasure. Eventually, I managed to put all these pieces together, resulting in an orgasm.
I felt like a teenager in her early driving lessons
Such a pleasant, hot, and intense orgasm! But almost instantly, I was overwhelmed by one of the strongest, most devastating, and endless feelings of despair I have ever had. I had the feeling that it never ends! In her early driving lessons, I felt like a teenager learning to drive a car with a gearbox. When I could no longer bear this avalanche of sensations and the feeling faded, I stopped, gathered, and tried again. The result was a second orgasm, more powerful and enjoyable!