Today I dreamed that I was going to a swinger club, the same as a swingers club, and I carried out many of my sexual fantasies. I woke up all wet from how intense it was.
Have you ever been to a liberal club? I am convinced that you have been curious on more than one occasion but have not dared to go for different reasons: your partner is not open-minded because of shame, fear of the unknown, not wanting to meet someone you know, etc.
I was once in an important swinger club in Germany, and the truth is that the experience was exciting; I never imagined that there could be so much morbid in a single room. A liberal club is a place where your wildest fantasies can come true. You can never say you don’t like a thing until you’ve tried it with an escort girl. You have no excuse; Dusseldorf has many exchanges or fetish clubs where you can find the emotions and sexual experiences you are looking for.
What should you know about a swinger club?
Liberal clubs often have their own rules for attendees. The vast majority of clubs prohibit the entry of single men, but it is a rule that is being taken into account less and less. Yes, the price for a single man’s ticket is usually a little higher. The first rule you should know about couples’ exchange clubs is that entry is from 18 years of age, and the second and most important, be friendly, respectful, and discreet.
Asking for permission
It would help to always ask your partner for permission to participate, either expressly or implicitly, that “no” definitely means no. Swingers live it as a lifestyle; trust between couples is vital. It is about the free expression of intimacy and enjoying sexual excitement with your partner and other teams. Another essential condition to carry out an exchange of couples is that you also go to the place accompanied by an escort girl from Escort Suite. And if you don’t have someone to go with, now we explain how you can go to a swinger club with a woman other than your partner.
Aspects to consider if you go to a swinger club with an escort girl
Create a couple’s story
Not all clubs allow the entry of escorts or sex professionals, so it is recommended that if you acquire the service of a companion girl to accompany you to a liberal club, it is essential to prepare a couple’s story. Are you a real couple, or are you only friends with the right to contact? How long have you known each other? Your story has to be easy to remember.
Establish a series of basic rules with the escort girl
It is essential to know the escort’s role as your companion. You should see if she will participate or only watch, or maybe you prefer to be the one who cares, and she enjoys it. It is crucial to determine expectations.
Close the rates before going to the swinger club
It is also convenient to talk about the fees and services to avoid misunderstandings later.
Be aware of the dress code.
Usually, a dress code is required to access a swinger club, elegant and sexy but not too exaggerated. The escort that accompanies you must wear the appropriate clothing for the occasion.
If you’ve never been to a swinger club being the first time, maybe you want to watch, be a voyeur, and observe couples while they make love. But indeed, once inside and seeing how other couples fuck, you will want to have sex in front of other people, or you will even like to exchange your partner for having sex with another woman.
Going to a swingers club in Cologne accompanied by a professional escort is advantageous. It can bring more experience in the exchange of couples given its mastery in bed and knowing how to be in this situation. You already know, that if you have never been to a liberal club, open your mind, go accompanied by a professional escort girl, and you will see how you feel observed and desired by all the women in the club. To meet new people who want to live new experiences like you.
FAQ about swingers
We like to answer questions. We want to give information that would have been helpful when we started. I suppose that’s why many couples who, in some way, flirt with a lifestyle approach us with all kinds of doubts. Many of these, of course, is repeated, and that is why it seemed essential to write a variety of anthology with the most common doubts about the swinger lifestyle. There will be those who want to use it to make their first steps in this world.
There will be those who take it as a pillow talk. There will be more experienced swingers who can discuss it with their friends after a wild orgy. In short, the point is to give you, dear readers, a tool that helps you make better decisions and question some of the concepts you already have established.
What swinging is?
It refers to consensual activities where a stable and effectively monogamous couple decides to share their sexuality with other couples. Is it essentially a practice for male-female couples? They can incorporate other couples, individuals, or entire groups. The important thing is that the primary emotional bond, the couple, is maintained as a unit.
What kind of people do this?
All kinds of people. We can find swinger couples in social, economic, and cultural strata. Some have a lot of money. Others are public figures, and some receive biweekly salaries and do the impossible to make them reach them; among the swingers, there are people with shallow educational degrees and doctorates. Anyway, there is everything. However, there are several features that we come across frequently. They are very close and committed couples to each other.
They tend to be people who privilege the family. They are hilarious and frank people. It would seem that I am selling to my clan. Instead, I speak from a profound understanding of the group. The common thing among us is the type of stories that we have lived, and for almost all of us, reaching the lifestyle has been the result of similar processes. The swinger society is not perfect, but it is made up of individuals who, for the most part, left behind many moral vices of traditional culture.
At what age should you start swinging?
Since each couple has a different life story, there is no correct age. Empirically, the average age is around 40, but it is a very biased judgment. On the one hand, we have seen the significant incorporation of young people in recent years. We are talking about couples in their twenties. On the other hand, we have seen very old adults enjoy the lifestyle as children.
I argued that the best thing was to be between thirty and thirty-five years old. Then I grew up, and now, of course, I advocate between forty and forty-five. My perspective will change. Swinging is an exercise in freedom and love. At what age is it better to be free and to love?
Will becoming swingers make my marriage better?
Swinging is not a magic bullet that solves relationship problems. As anyone married knows, marriage is a very complex system in which many variants come into play. The reasons why a couple remains in love or not a little depends on their sexual behaviours. However, a practice like this works as a catalyst. Everything that a partner brings with them is magnified when they enter the lifestyle—the good and evil. Most experienced ones recommend entering here with a solid relationship and a firm commitment to your partner.
In that case, the emotional ties will likely take hold, and that collaboration will teach them a lot about you, your communication, and your capacity to love. If, on the contrary, they come with a selfish relationship and are fond of hurting themselves, we would suggest first resolving those issues and then entering this world. I allow myself a simile. Running marathons, by itself, can be a very healthy practice for my lungs. Still, in the particular case in which I find myself (a terrible physical condition and a pitiful respiratory system), if I subjected my body to the demand to win in one of these races, he would probably die trying.
Well, swinging is better than cheating.
I suppose so, but we are not talking about the same thing either. Swinging gives everyone the sexual variety that most people in a long-term relationship crave. In that sense, yes, it eliminates the incentive to seek novelty in another bed. But infidelity is the breakdown of a couple’s agreement, and that break is not necessarily linked to whether or not my new coworker is desirable or not. Faithfulness in monogamous marriages, like mine, is based on being convinced that I don’t need anything outside my home. That premise may or may not be accurate for other swinger marriages, but if it isn’t, it has nothing to do with the swingers’ status of the couple in question.
On the other hand, lifestyle teaches couples to communicate more effectively. In such a way that a swinger marriage has, in general, many more resources to solve the vicissitudes of life as a couple.
How does a swinger couple handle jealousy?
There are no unique ways in this, and I can only talk about our own experience and what we have seen in others. For some, jealousy is part of the excitement. They like to experiment because, in moderate doses, they flavorfully spice up their sexual encounters. The joke is to keep them at a level where they can be controlled and appeal to handle questions and certainties, to be sure.
What is a control question? A verification that serves to know that everything is fine. They can be as simple as: Do you love me? or Is it true that when we are alone, you are going to catch me that rich? or respond to secret codes of those that only each couple understands.
But it’s just sex, right?
To say that something is “just sex” makes a complex phenomenon sound as if it were simple. Just sex? We are talking about one of the main engines of humanity, one of the most widely used consumer goods, and the main reason for so many graces and misfortunes. And at the end of the story, it is true: sex is not so bad.
Perhaps the problem is that sex is always accompanied by something else (power, love, money, health), and these combinations do make it, for better or for worse, a brutally leading ingredient. We swingers generally mix it with fun, and in many cases, friendship. These mixtures are indeed explosive but harmless.
After experimenting with other swingers, what if my partner prefers sex with someone else instead of me?
That will happen, but it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. We like sex for multiple factors. One of them is a novelty. During a swinging session, there is a lot of that. Different people, environments, emotions that we have never felt before, and, of course, other techniques. When we find what we have been looking for in this environment, we enjoy it. My partner will not be the exception to this. If you find a series of optimal elements, you will surely enjoy what is happening to you enormously. That does not mean that others fornicate better than you. You can relax.
Is an adventure
We were saying you ask some questions, that part of the SW journey consists of learning to enjoy our partner’s happiness and assuming it as an adventure that we are doing together. Had it occurred to you that if you touched it in this or that way, you would produce that effect? Well, now you know, and there is a lot from that session you can take to your bed and your private sessions. From these new situations, there is much that I can learn about myself and about the person I love.